Testimonials: Practitioners
Debbie Lines
9-year-old Kyle’s mother sent me the following letter:
Kyle seems so happy. He has always been a happy child but there just seems to be an inner glow since AIT. He literally smiles from ear to ear, all the time. He is more alert, partaking in our conversations and listening to what is said on the TV and in the room.
He is now eager and keen to do everything and anything – from getting up in the morning on my first request to helping with chores. He does them immediately and with enthusiasm.
He can carry out three instructions one after the other without repeatedly asking what to do. Previously he would forget the third instruction and most of the time only do half of the second task as he would get distracted before finishing.
He seems more focused when doing his homework. He can now sit down and complete everything. He also sits still and keeps good posture when reading to me.
His teacher says Kyle is keen to stand up in class and explain or give his opinion on a topic, which he never did before. He even explained long-division on the whiteboard to the class. In fact, his marks have gone up by at least 5% in all his subjects.
Kyle seems to be absorbing more information and is able to repeat or tell a story in his own words (from TV documentaries to things that he and his dad do together). For example, he could explain to me, from start to finish, how to bait up a fishing rod.
Natja du Preez - Nov 2010 AIT
Testimonial N.A. November 2010
My son was diagnosed with ADHD at age 7. H was a dreamer in class, lacked focus and concentration, easily distracted and hyperactive.
I noticed that he lacked motivation and would not listen to given instructions. He did however, perform well academically. His daily dosage of Ritalin increased to 20mg when he was 9.
When I was introduced to Berard AIT Training as a promising intervention for ADHD, I dived at the opportunity. The ten days programme was intense with two sessions daily but my child made remarkable improvements within a few days.
He suddenly became calmer, started showing signs of independent behaviour by playing quietly with his racing cars in his room etc. He began to comply with my requests during meal times which were usually argumentative. His confidence developed in playing outdoor games and he was able to contribute to our conversations readily which were previously impossible.
His dosage of Ritalin was reduced to 5mg daily. Four months later, he is still on 5mg of Ritalin. His teacher indicated that he is less distracted in class and is able to focus on tasks now. He listens to given instructions and can carry them out accordingly. He continues to make good progress.
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