Testimonials: Students
Many years ago, I was hit by a car travelling through a red light at a robot crossing. It severely injured my back, and there were too many internal injuries to issue an operation. (I was then aged fifty-two.) Over the intervening years I’ve had endless treatments for severe pain due to pinched nerves in my spinal column, which have included two operations and three Cortisone injections. Physiotherapists, chiropractors, yoga, Pilates, painkilling tablets have all tried to help – after a few months the pain returns. When visiting Hannelie earlier this year she noticed the problem and that I was finding it difficult to walk. At this stage, I was taking as many as six Stilpane tablets a day and finding only about two and a half hours of relief each time. We started Laser Therapy in February this year, for an hour session twice a week. This continued for approximately three months. Even after the first few sessions I was in less pain and was soon finding it unnecessary for painkilling tablets. There is still half the amount of the prescribed pills left in the bottle bought in January (it is now nearly the end of August). This treatment is almost painless, apart from the probe used to ease the muscle tension built up from pain, which, after the first application, is much less painful. I only need one treatment a week now, or every ten days and can really recommend Hannelie who is thoroughly knowledgeable and a caring and efficient therapist of this excellent rejuvenator! I am now eighty-six.
Jane Crowe
August 2021
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